Industry News Category
Real Estate

The Top 5 Questions to Ask During a Home Inspection
Purchasing a home is a monumental decision, and a thorough home inspection is a pivotal step in the process. It not only uncovers potential problems but also equips you with the knowledge you need to make an informed buying decision. To maximize the benefit of a home inspection, it's critical to ask the right questions.

What’s Next for Denver Real Estate in 2023?
Let’s take a look at how the Denver markets are most likely to be heading over the next several months.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Investing in Real Estate in 2023
Here’s what you should know when it comes to investing in real estate in 2023.

Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Property Manager
Here's what you should know before hiring a property manager.

4 Trends Driving Denver Real Estate in 2022
The real estate market for the Metro Denver area has been very active over the past few years, and they have been characterized by strong demand. Combined with a low supply of available properties, rising home prices, and record-low mortgage interest rates, Denver real estate has been a strong seller’s market since at least 2020.
How the Pandemic is Changing Where and How We Live
Massively disruptive events always change the social landscape. Just as the Great Depression colored the sensibilities of people who lived through it, generations of people today are likely to feel the long-lasting results of the coronavirus pandemic for decades to come.

The State of Denver Real Estate in 2021
Denver has long enjoyed a reputation as a hip, happening city to live in. It has long been one of the hottest real estate markets in the country, with real estate booming as the economy grows alongside it.

What to Expect From the Denver Real Estate Market in 2021
It's been an interesting decade for home buyers and sellers in Colorado. The metro Denver real estate market, in particular, came roaring back from the 2009 housing crash, leading to rapid development, tight home inventory and bidding wars among buyers that were more reminiscent of places like New York City and the Bay Area than Colorado's Front Range.